Sunday, October 21, 2007


Welcome to Quaker Queeries. We are kicking off this new blog in the full recognition that there currently exists a growing rift between many Monthly Meetings and yearly Meetings because of the issue of same-gender rights and same-gender marriage. Emotions can quickly rise on this volatile issue, and these emotions - sometimes ego-driven - interfere with our ability to develop a healthy relationship with our selves, our communities and with God. The ability to have a healthy relationship with all three of these always raises ethical and moral dilemmas. These are not dilemmas we can run from. Instead, let us see if we transcend the anger and respond with the love for all humanity - including those with whom we disagree - as an example of holding a dialog that matters. There are many issues of concern, and it is our hope that this space can be a place that advances true dialog. If you would like to initiate a post, please e-mail it to Brad Ogilvie at, and it will get posted.